Link to frequently asked questions about the ACAT Link to a list of ACAT disciplines, forms, and content options Link to information about the ACAT Online Link to page about the ACAT-N Link to a table comparing paper and online versions Link to list of institutions in the reference groups
Link to page of printable forms Link to a list of fees and services Link to secure online order site Link to page containing national average scores for the ACAT Link to page about PACAT IncorporatedClick for a list of e-mail addresses and phone numbers for contacting PACAT.

Since 2002, PACAT has provided faculty with student learning outcomes assessment instruments designed to match their teaching and learning goals. Building nationally referenced tests from items contributed by the faculty using them and allowing departments to select content areas relevant to their learning goals, provides the needed balance between locally developed and nationally referenced tests. We recognize diversity of opinion and content as key strengths of higher education.

 Click for a list of e-mail addresses and phone numbers for contacting PACAT. 



PACAT Inc. ● P.O. Box 767 ● Clarksville TN 37041-0767
The contents of this website are copyright © PACAT Inc. ACAT is a registered trademark of PACAT Inc.