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What does the name ACAT stand for?

  • The acronym ACAT stands for Area Concentration Achievement Test. ACAT is a registered trademark of PACAT Inc.

How are ACATs used?

  • ACAT assesses content knowledge and retention by students at the completion of their major field of study. Departments typically use ACAT to meet the needs for quantitative assessment data with a national reference group and for locally relevant information to inform decision making about student learning outcomes.

  • ACAT can be used for pre-post assessment to assess the impact of the major on content knowledge and retention across a specific time span.

  • ACAT can be used to assess the effectiveness of vertical integration of content knowledge and disciplinary skills across courses taken to complete a major field of study.

  • ACAT is used primarily by public and private baccalaureate degree granting higher education institutions, some graduating fewer than 5 majors a year and others graduating several hundred.

  • You can see the current list of institutions included in our reference groups here.


PACAT Inc. ● P.O. Box 767 ● Clarksville TN 37041-0767
The contents of this website are copyright © PACAT Inc. ACAT is a registered trademark of PACAT Inc.